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Going Gold For Childhood Cancer

students wearing yellow
three friends in gold
two friends in yellow
two friends in gold
two friends in gold
group picture
group picture
Kids dressed in gold and cheering
student with teacher mom
students in gold
Students wearing gold on playground
students in gold
sTudents dressed in gold
students in gold
students in gold
students dressed in gold


students dressed in gold
students and teacher dressed in gold
students dressed in gold

Our Future!

Student with future job sign
STudent with future job sign
STudent with future job sign
STudent with future job sign
Student with future job sign
students holding signs with future jobs
students holding signs with future jobs

A Happy Place To Be!

Student balances blocks
Students using building blocks
Students share items in all about me bag
Student completing work
Resource officer interacting with student
Students  playing word game
Class picture in front of photo booth
student completing work
student siting on floor using cubes to count
kids enjoying free time
Group photo of kindergarten students writing
group picture of students
REsource officer with kindergarten students
kids sharing items
students eating popsicle
students eating popsicle
assistant principal posing
students enjoying popsicle
principal in dunking booth
principal getting dunked
student sliding down water slide
student at dunking booth
student sliding down water slide
students under firetruck hose
students with buckets of water splashing each other
students with bucket of water
students waiting in line for water slide
students passing wet sponge
Students washing car
students washing car